Now, to save you the time of watching me download this, I already have it in my downloads folder here. It's not really necessary to install edge, you can actually use the middle option the generic zip to install edge maker or standard edition of ignition. Now, we also have this edge installer, which is sort of a focused or dedicated installer that can be used to install edge. The zip file there does contain a README that will tell you what to do, but I won't be covering that in this video. Now the process for this is a little bit different than the one I'm going to show you here in the video. I'm using the top option here, but we also have the generic zip install files.
Now, for Linux, we do have a couple of options here. If we scroll down on our downloads page here, and we head over to our other operating systems, you get a full list of all the various installers that we have available. Now in this video, I'm going to use the 'n' file. But of course the look of the site may change over time. Before we begin, you're going to want to head over to our website, that's And you're going to want to go to the downloads page, there should be a button somewhere on our website. In this lesson we'll install ignition on Linux.